
Welcome to our website. Our effort is to constantly improve and bring high-quality solutions based on current trends in the construction industry.

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Welcome to the Soling, s.r.o. website

The company focuses mainly on the structural design of buildings, expert opinions and structural analyses as well as consultancy on statics and load-bearing structures in structural engineering.

We always try to find an optimal design based on technical and economic criteria. Don’t hesitate to contact us in case of your interest in cooperation.

What we offer


From our experience

Národné tréningové centrum

Podložie v dosahu bežných plošných základov je tvorené pomerne stlačiteľnými ílobitými zeminami, ktoré prechádzajú v hĺbke 0,2-1,3 m do polôh ílovitého štrku, miestami kyprého. Pod ním v hĺbke 1,8-2,5 mj opäť nastupuje strednoplastický íl. Voda sa nachádza v hĺbkach 1-1,5 m pod terénom.